Life is Crazy :0)

I haven’t posted in a while as things have been really busy. Between having a litter of puppies with Trouble and life things have been crazy :0)

I started this business expecting it to be a nice quiet retirement activity. It has turned out that there is a huge gap offering what I offer. Needless to say, this has led to me being beyond busy. 

I started this whole venture expecting to have a small clinic I was going to be working out of with all the fun modalities. Life happened and now I am only a mobile service which means I don’t get to offer all the fun modalities I was expecting to. I still get to do spinal manipulation, soft tissue work, superpulsed cold laser and acupuncture but only my personal dogs have gotten to use my shockwave system and therapeutic ultrasound. The thermal imaging is fun and helpful, but I have found my hands to be my best diagnostic tool.

I have also been offering my services prior to shows and that is an area I will try to cultivate more this upcoming year. I have offered spinal manipulation and soft tissue work along with superpulsed cold laser if needed. I want to start offering PEMF and preventative superpulsed cold laser as well.

I am now offering Sporting Dog Treatment Days where I can help maintain sporting dogs with VSMT, soft tissue work and superpulsed cold laser if needed. I offer these in Camino, Granite Bay, North Highlands, Galt, Davis and Sebastopol. To sign up please email and let me know the locations you are interested in. The sign-ups are sent out 1-2 weeks prior to the treatment dates. The dates are listed on the Facebook page for Mountainside Veterinary Rehabilitation. 

I also offer private treatment sessions for my geriatric patients or those that need more one on one attention or longer/more intense treatments. At this time my schedule is often very full, and I may not be accepting new patients. Please email or text (530)574-4634 if you are interested.

Needless to say, sometimes life doesn’t turn out like you expected – – – sometimes it is better :0)