Following a freak accident which resulted in the removal of my agility dog Sage’s right eye, I took her to Mountainside Veterinary Rehabilitation for assistance in regaining balance and depth perception. This was in addition to the pain she was experiencing in her body. Dr. Carlson provided Sage with acupuncture and chiropractic treatments as well as assisted us with exercises to help her regain balance again. Dr. Carlson’s compassionate nature and quiet demeanor assisted in the progress Sage has made as well as my ability to view Sage’s “single view” as a strength.

Acupuncture is a modality that will allow the patient’s own body to participate in the healing process via the nervous system. We practice Medical/Western acupuncture based on the neurological interaction of nerves, vessels, fascia and muscles to promote balance of various body systems. The acupuncture points occur near nerve pathways or nerve endings. When stimulating the acupuncture points it activates the nervous system via a series of reflexes locally and in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). The neuromodulation can improve function and balance of the nervous system as well as reducing pain, supporting the immune system and digestive system.
When stimulating the acupuncture points it activates the nervous system via a series of reflexes locally and in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). The neuromodulation can improve function and balance of the nervous system as well as reducing pain, supporting the immune system and digestive system.
The initial examination will include a gentle hands-on systematic evaluation of the soft tissues (muscle and fascia) to determine any patterns of strain and/or pain indicative of underlying disease or injury. This allows us to arrive at a more complete diagnosis and determine where the your pet is having pain or dysfunction. This information helps us develop a treatment plan and to guide the choice of acupuncture points used.
Specifically, the acupuncture needles provide a microtrauma and neuromuscular reaction of capillaries, mast cells and nerves (including release of substance P and histamine). This leads to stimulation of the mechanoreceptors which enhances pain relief (via metenkephalin beta endorphin dynorphins, increased serotonin levels, release of endogenous opioids), stimulates descending change via stimulation of C and A delta fibers, capillary dilation and immune activation, tissue repair activation, local and superspinal control (decreased inflammation, normalize circulation), increase parasympathetic tone. The parasympathetic system is responsible for rest as well as digestive processes and function.
Some conditions treated with acupuncture are:
- pain from arthritis and/or muscle tension
- post-surgical/traumatic pain, nerve injury (weakness, paralysis)
- disk disease
- cystitis (bladder inflammation)
- allergies
- lameness
- incontinence
- immune issues
- reproductive issues
- wound healing
- digestive disorders
- cranial and peripheral neuropathy
- respiratory disorders
- dermatologic issues.