Dr. Ginny's Blog

Life is Crazy :0)

I haven’t posted in a while as things have been really busy. Between having a litter of puppies with Trouble and life things have been crazy :0) I started this business expecting it to be a nice quiet retirement activity. It has turned out that there is a huge gap offering what I offer. Needless […]
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Duke, the dog fated to be in our lives

Duke is a testament of why you should get pet insurance on your new pup, even if they are a cross breed. Duke was adopted from the wonderful rescue, Casa De Love, who saved him from a rough start to life including contracting Parvovirus. He has been a good natured and wonderful dog from the […]
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A little bit of Trouble

Trouble is my Border Collie that currently does agility. I have used all my modalities and a conditioning program to keep her at the top of her game. Even with that injuries/accidents still happen. Trouble has damaged her superficial digit flexor in her front right leg while running around in her yard at home which […]
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Cooter: Our Loveable Rescue

Cooter was adopted from a rescue in Washington in 2009 after my husband lost his Labrador, Roscoe. We picked him up after a night at Brewfest in Placerville where my husband enjoyed the night, and I was the DD driving to Washington after. He had a wonderful life and enjoyed many adventures but then in […]
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Bourbon: My Inspiration

Bourbon entered my life when I decided to volunteer for Best Friends in helping clean up after hurricane Katrina. He was a stubborn puppy and full of opinions but such a good boy. In 2015, when he was 10 years old, I noticed a thickening of his Achille’s tendon. We performed ultrasound, biopsied and came […]
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Thomas the Wonder Cat

 Thomas was born to a feral cat mother who was fed dog food instead of cat food. We don’t know if it was this nutritional imbalance, a genetic anomaly or a virus that changed the make up of his body. At his first vet appointment it was noticed that Thomas walked with a wide stance […]
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What is Digital Thermal Imaging?

Animals cannot seek medical attention on their own. To be seen they must do something that gets the attention of their owner/caretaker. As veterinarians sometimes, it can be difficult to ascertain where an animal is hurting. Thermographic imaging can help assist in these difficult cases. It can help detect anatomical areas that require diagnostic evaluation […]
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cat at vet in camino, ca

What is Veterinary Spinal Manipulation Therapy?

Joint dysfunction (segmental dysfunction) can lead to regional dysfunction which can lead to dysfunction of the entire body system. For example, areas of dysfunction in the shoulder or pelvic areas can lead to changes in gait pattern with can lead to pain in other compensating areas of the pet’s body. Also, if you have dysfunction […]
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What Are Theraputic Laser Treatments?

Therapeutic laser therapy is based on wavelength, power and frequency and allows us to increase healing and decrease pain/inflammation. Increased power means increased energy into tissue, but different wavelengths absorbed at different levels so knowing the wavelength to target inflammation, bactericidal or pain relief. Power determines time required to treat. Frequency allows increased power without […]
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cat at vet in camino ca

How Does Acupuncture Help Your Pet?

Acupuncture is a modality that will allow the patient’s own body to participate in the healing process via the nervous system. We practice Medical/Western acupuncture based on the neurological interaction of nerves, vessels, fascia and muscles to promote balance of various body systems. The acupuncture points occur near nerve pathways or nerve endings. When stimulating […]
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